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Brand: Eurotherm
Eurotherm EPack 16A Single Phase Compact SCR Power Controller.
EPACK: (EPACK-1PH) Nominal Current Nominal Current: (16A) 16 Amps Supply Voltage: (500V) 500V Auxillary Control Mode: (V2CL) V2 With Current limitation by threshold (chargeable) Transfer Mode: (XXX) Tranfer Disabled Fieldbus Communcation: (TCP) Modbus TCP (standard) Configuration: (LC) Long code Load Current (Nominal): (nnnA) 1-Value field 1 Line Voltage: (230V) 230volts Firing Mode: (PA) Phase angle Analog Input Function: (SP) Setpoint Analog Input Type: (5V) 0-5 Volt Digital Input 2 Function: (RS) Remote Setpoint Selection Digital Input 1 Function: (EN) Enable
Manufacturer is Eurotherm Ltd
Manufacturers part number is:- EPACK-1PH/16A/500V/XXX/V2CL/XXX/XXX/TCP/XXX/XXXX/XXXX/XXX/XXX/LC/16A/230V/XX/XX/PA/SP/5V/RS/EN
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