Includes regisitration functionallity(Registration is available only using the
encoder's 1 Volt index pulse.)
** Limited Availability - 890 Product becoming Obsolete Q3 2025**
8903-M1-00 Sin/Cos Registration (fitted in the OPTION A position)
When installed; the part number changes as follows:-
Part No: 890XX-XXXXXXXX-XXXXXX7X (replaces E1 option 1) see note *
Legacy Part No: 890XX/X/XXXXX/X/XX/X/XX/XX/XX/XX/M1/XX (replaces E1)see note *
8903-M1-00-FF Indicated factory fitted
Interpolates each encoder line with 11-bit accuracy
giving 4 million counts per revolution on a 2048
line encoder
• Optional 1V input from ‘Z’ index pulse for use
with registration
• Captures encoder position on arrival of every edge
using up to two registration mark inputs
• Decoding logic to interface the encoder to the
drive’s microprocessor
• Supplies 5V or 10V to the encoder
• Decodes Heidenhain Endat 2.1 absolute position
The 8903/M1 functions as speed feedback for the drive.
Auxiliary Digital Inputs and the encoder’s index pulse (if supplied by the encoder) are available
for registration event inputs.
The Auxiliary Digital Inputs are also available for general purpose digital inputs.
Auxiliary Digital Outputs are available for a simulated pulse encoder output, or for general
purpose digital outputs.
In this combination, a reference encoder position would normally be supplied via a Firewire
option interface (8903/FA).
Auxiliary Digital Inputs
Low logic level 0V to 5V relative to X63 pin 5
High logic level 15V to 26V relative to X63 pin 5
Absolute Maximum Input Voltage 30V relative to X63 pin 5
Input current (low logic level) < 1mA
Input current (high logic level) > 3mA, < 10mA
Typical Input current at 24V 7mA
Isolation withstand relative to drive chassis 30V
Auxiliary Digital Outputs
Operating Input Supply Voltage (VS) 5V to 24V
Absolute Maximum Supply Voltage 30V
Maximum Output Current ± 100mA per output
Output Voltage (low logic level) < 3V at 100mA
Output Voltage (high logic level) > VS – 4V at 100mA
Overload and short circuit duration Indefinite
Maximum Output Frequency 250kHz on each output
Maximum Pulse Rate 250kHz
Receiver Impendance 120Ω
Input Format Two differential 1V p-p signals in quadrature
Encoder Supply Maximum load: 250mA
Voltage adjustable: 5V/10V
Terminal Type 15-way, D-type socket
Maximum cable length 150 metres screened cable
Serial protocol Endat 2.1
Part number: 8932-M1-00
*NOTE : For incompatibility issues see manual attached
Manufacturer is Parker SSD Drives Division, formerly known as Eurotherm Drives and Shackleton System Drives..